Krista Thompson is the Mary Jane Crowe Professor of Art History at Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. She is the author of An Eye for the Tropics (2006) and Shine: The Visual Economy of Light in African Diasporic Aesthetic Practice (2015), recipient of the Charles Rufus Morey Award for distinguished book in the history of art from the College Art Association (2016). She and Huey Copeland are co-editors of an ongoing series of articles on Afrotropes published by Art Journal. Her articles have appeared in American Art, Art Bulletin, Art Journal, Representations, The Drama Review, and Small Axe. Thompson is currently working on the manuscript The Evidence of Things Not Captured, which examines notions of photographic absence, fugitivity, and disappearance in Jamaica (Duke University Press, forthcoming). She is also writing Black Light, a manuscript about electronic light artist Tom Lloyd.